Louisiana PD Reinstates Officer Who Consumed CBD For Sleep

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CBD For Sleep

The Louisiana Police Department fired Bernard Anderson after he tested positive for marijuana’s metabolite in the recent past. However, the Department has brought Anderson back at his former employment position. Anderson told the Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Board in Louisiana that he used CBD for sleep and that he stands in his truth.

People consume cannabidiol for help with better sleep because evidence from research and anecdotes shows that it has mental health benefits that can contribute to better slumber.

In December 2020, Anderson completed a mandatory drug test, but it turned out to be positive for marijuana’s metabolite. As per pre-hearing information, Anderson’s wife brought the cannabidiol home for him.

A female board member recommended that Lafayette Consolidated Government think about its testing procedure again.

Christina Olivier, who serves on the Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Board, recommended the reconsideration thanks to the technology available with a product as innocuous as CBD drops for sleep. For the uninitiated, the term CBD drops refers to a product with cannabidiol that comes as oil.

The Board in Louisiana found that the termination of Anderson was not just, which appears to be an understatement. Anderson’s lawyer Allyson Melancon described him as a good police officer who passed the so-called CVAS test and does not inhale marijuana. Melancon stated that Anderson lost his law enforcement job just because he consumed a product with cannabidiol for sleep from a department store.

It is worth noting that department stores sell cannabidiol because the US federal law and the state of Louisiana deem it legal. The US federal government allows the sale, possession and use of cannabidiol from industrial hemp throughout the nation.

Anderson’s parent Sharon Pete is an erstwhile police officer, and she stated that she could tell he is relieved about getting his law enforcement job back. The decision of the Board overturned the termination of Anderson and reinstated the man with backpay.

As per Melancon, if the department policy would be to disallow cannabidiol’s use, it should be clarified to educate its workers.

Sleep issues occur due to health conditions such as stress, anxiety and mental depression. Cannabidiol products can help to calm a person down to reduce their anxiety, stress or depression level. Thus, the person can have a much better sleep at night as compared to their quality of sleep before they started consuming the product.