Know-How About CBD Dosing And Managing Psychoactivity

CO2 Extraction
CO2 Extraction
CBD Dosing
CBD Dosing

It can be relatively easy for people to experience the benefits of cannabis. All that needs e is two puffs of the THC-rich substance, and you are sorted. This is the case for a vast majority of people. Smoking marijuana is surprisingly only the tip of the cannabis therapeutic that can shower you with benefits. There are many ways to experience the medical benefits of cannabis, and some of them are non-intoxicating.

In the past few years, the rise of non-intoxicating cannabidiol (CBD) products via its smokeless delivery has changed the game for therapeutic medication for the better. National debates and conversations have been set into action. The question the readers need to ask themselves is not if marijuana has some medicinal value, but how to avail the medicinal benefits and optimize it so as to suit your lifestyle and situation.

The Challenge

Optimizing CBD dosage limit can be challenging-applies both for doctors and patients alike. Most of the doctors have never introduced themselves to cannabis, and feel themselves in unchartered waters when it comes to counseling patients on the different modes of administration, potential side effects, and CBD dosing in general.

Dosing CBD is not like the therapeutic agents that are exposed to trainee doctors. For some patients, the use of small amounts of CBD is enough to bring about a difference, while for others there is a need for incredibly high doses. On one end of the spectrum, you have adults who can get all of the benefits from 20mg of CBD/day and others who get satisfactory results at 1500mg of CBD/ day. It certainly is a mixed bag when it comes to CBD.

CBD based on the hemp strain comes in different potencies and the distribution and production are yet to be standardized in states that have allowed CBD or even cannabis for therapeutic use. So if everything is all over the map, how should you get your CBD dosing right?

Microdosing Could Be The Answer

There is a common misconception when it comes to CBD therapy, and it is that you need to get high in order to attain any relief. But the truth is that more is really less when it comes to hemp-derived extracts.

The therapeutic effects of CBD can be achieved at lowered doses and there is no need for users to be put into a state of euphoria or impairment. Even ultra-low doses can do just as good a job and can be effective if the timing is done right.

Due to the federal cannabis prohibitions and the subsequent research restrictions, the clinical data is lacking to determine whether a low dose THC therapy will be beneficial. However, microdosing- which is the consumption of sub-psychoactive or slightly psychoactive doses of cannabis- has started to garner popularity among those who want to rope in the benefits of cannabinoids without inviting the buzz.

How To Manage The Psychoactivity?

The success of cannabinoid substances and the therapy at large is dependent on the ability to manage the intoxicating properties. While there are a group of people who enjoy the high, others find it unnecessary.

CBD or cannabidiol doesn’t cause any intoxication like in the case of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). What is surprising is that CBD can even lessen the potency of THC, and the consequent high depending on how much of each is present. This is where the CBD-to-THC ratio comes into play.

This Is Where The Magic Is At: CBD-To-THC Ratio

If one keeps an eye on the ratio of CBD to THC, then they have the option of healing without having to bear with the feeling of high.

Putting it in broad terms, there are three types of resin-rich cannabis products. These being:

  • Type 1

This is the THC dominant strain. This has high levels of THC and low levels of CBD. This obviously means that the intoxication effects far outweigh the therapeutic effects of the CBD.

  • Type 2

This is the mix of THC and CBD, with both in roughly equal proportions. It is intoxicating but it isn’t as edgy as the THC-dominant variant.

  • Type 3

This is the CBD-dominant variant that is rich in CBD and low in THC. Cannabis strains that fall in this category include hemp and non-euphoric marijuana.

There is a fourth type, which can be considered as the rare cannabis strain which contains a higher proportion of minor cannabinoids such as CBG and THCV. But with regards to what is accessible to the common consumer, the ratio of CBD to THC is important in balancing the high and the therapeutic benefits that one aims to experience.

The Curtain Closer

The CBD dosage must be individually determined as these are dependent on the body chemistry of the users- each has a distinct reaction to the natural extract. For this reason, there is no definite guide that fits everyone. Your only option is to adopt a trial-and-error approach to get solid results and get the dosing right.