CBD And Endocannabinoid System

The body creates endogenous cannabinoids to maintain our health. When these substances become deficient, the body requires help to back the endocannabinoid system. The aforementioned issue can result in health conditions such as migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, and fibromyalgia. This is where cannabis compounds can come in. It is possible to tackle endocannabinoid deficiency with phytocannabinoids. For your information, phytocannabinoids are derived from industrial hemp and some other plants that are part of the Cannabaceae family. On the other hand, the body itself produces endogenous cannabinoids. While both are cannabinoids, the main distinction between the two is their origin.

The hemp-derived cannabinoids can work to keep the body from breaking down the endogenous substances. That will allow using more of the cannabinoids the body itself creates. Now that you understand the connection between CBD and the endocannabinoid system, read on to know how else the former affects the body.

How Does Cannabidiol Work In Our Body?

CBD provides a broad range of advantages such as stress relief, anxiety relief, improved mood, better sleep, and so forth. The human endocannabinoid system plays a role in producing most of the benefits of the hemp compound. Here, we will look at some of the things that are part of the ECS, and how cannabidiol possibly interacts with these. With further endocannabinoid system and CBD research, we might know more about the following than what we are presently aware of.


For your information, anandamide is named after ‘ananda’, a Sanskrit term that means happiness or bliss. There is more to its association with the aforesaid feeling than just that origin of the word. Anandamide is related to the human brain areas behind happiness, pleasure, as well as cognitive, motor, and sensory functions. Cannabidiol can increase dopamine levels, thereby boosting the creation of anandamide. For your information, dopamine is a hormone associated with happiness.

Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1

This receptor mediates many different therapeutic functions. Also known as TRPV1, it plays a part in the way in which we experience pain, as well as temperature regulation. The hemp compound, CBD can desensitize the receptors, thereby easing pain.

Allosteric Modulator

Cannabidiol acts as a substance that can change how this form of receptor responds to a particular stimulus. It can act as one of the negative or positive allosteric receptor modulators.