Laws Regarding CBD

Cannabidiol or CBD is an element derived from the hemp plant. Even though it is extracted from a schedule I drug, it has been getting legalized in many parts of the world. The federal government of the United States of America has also made it legal to use CBD, in 2018. This trend of giving legal status to CBD is not only due to its non-psychoactive effects but also due to its medicinal qualities.

In America, even before the enactment of the central CBD law, many states had their own rules and regulations regarding the usage of CBD and medical marijuana within their territory. There are also many states in America that have not made it free to usage CBD, as prescribed by the federal law. The following are some of the laws and regulations existing in different states of the US regarding the usage of CBD.


Utah is known as the largest seller of CBD around the world. The laws regarding CBD in Utah were implemented in 2014. Even though such a law was to regulate the usage of medical marijuana, the same rules were followed for the usage of CBD, till 2018. The CBD law of Utah states that any person, suffering from diseases like epilepsy and multiple sclerosis can use medical marijuana, if they have a license or a medical marijuana card. There was also a certain standard set by the government for the CBD products i.e. the product must only have a maximum of 15 percent Cannabidiol and 0.3 percent THC.


 It is also one of the states in the US that made CBD legal before 2018. The state of Virginia passed its CBD regulations in the year 2015, and it made it legal to use CBD or medical marijuana if any person is having a written certificate from the health department of Virginia. To obtain such a certificate, it is necessary that the person must be suffering from epilepsy. The recommendation from a doctor must also be submitted by the patients at the specified department to get their hands on the medical marijuana certificate.

In America, 33 out of 50 states had medical marijuana policies even before the federal laws came into force. Since marijuana is still a Schedule I drug, all the states have strict rules and guidelines to avoid the misuse of the substance. There are also many dispensaries in every state to sell CBD to common people.